Monday 23 May 2011

Winter Term 1973

19/9: Back to school. Am in 5a, 7th table in 1st game and Sable. Do a bit of talking.
20/9: We had fire practice and all that stuff. I got a new boy to clear his trunk. Find I have not diary.
21/9: I am doing quite well with the lessons. I worked quite hard. I had first hist and geog lesson. Unload stationary.
22/9: Do washing up with White and Morris. Am home sick a lot. Time is going slowly. 3 weeks till birthday.
23/9: First half-hol. Go with Colli and Lyons. Mr Farr clobbers me with stick. Play in pavillion. Do other things.

24/9: Make timetable. Have the horrible Monday morning feeling. Nearly settle in properly.
25/9: Do some good saves in football. Let through only 1 goal. Wallace gets annoyed with me.
26/9: Have an athsma attack last night. Sawyer and I were awake late. Off games. Join train club. Start Dam Busters.
27/9: Morris and I wrote our play instead of the other play. Was off games because of cold.
28/9: Have singing. Have the normal day at school. Do music practice. Don't know when I have music lesson.
29/9: Have music lesson with new music mistress. Soon be my birthday. Become a senior.
30/9: Have good half-hol and sweets. Go to thanksgiving service. First day as senior.

1/10: Great day! Mr Murray-Twin [?] came down in a helicopter. I went riding with Gallon. I had quite good fun riding. We only went round and round.
2/10: Yesterday it was Shoebridge's birthday. It is not too long until mine. Lots of bad lessons.
3/10: Match v Northaw. I was right back. Lose 1-0. See 2 old friends. 4 days until my birthday.
4/10: Did skating after supper. 4 days until my birthday. Do VI form play: 'Business of Good Government'.
5/10: Do skating after supper. Have lost damn those poachers [????]. 3 day til my birthday.
6/10: Tomorrow I will go out and get my present. Have good games and films.
7/10: Go out. Get a radio, roller skates, paints. Mum and Liz make cakes. Time goes fast.

8/10: My birthday. Will be 12. Have three loads of bumps. 39 altogether. Ride. Have super cake. get 3 cards.
9/10: It was quite a good day. We finshed off my dalek birthday cake.
10/10: I hope to get a letter from Pepita soon. 3 escape attempts. Have sweets. Mum comes.
11/10: Have letter from Pepita. Boy it was cold [Weather, or Pepita's letter...we'll never know!. ] Do fencing. Do something to my hand.
12/10: [Almost illeg]Have a bandage put on my hand. Rotten lesson. Watty's 25th anniversary.
13/10: Have match v Twyford, away. Mum, Dad and [?] come. Lose 5-3. Mr Campbell picks on me.
14/10: Have the usual boring day. Have half-hole. Jackie Stewart [illeg].

15/10: Morris' birthday tomorrow. Do riding. Go for a small hack.
16/10: Morris's birthday. Have super cake, but Morris is ill all day.
17/10: Match v West Downs. Cornish scored a goal. Lose 6-1. Mum and Dad come.
18/10: Find out Helen is coming to do assistant matron. Usual bung.
19/11: Helen comes. This week has gone the fastest. Helen gets into a bad mood. Have singing.
20/10; 2nd day for Helen as assistant matron. Match v Farleigh House. Get leg hurt.
21/10: Helen goes home. Lawson. Have usual great half-hole.

22/10: Am off games because of hack. Do not do music practice. Have a power cut. Do not ride.
23/10: Go on a sort of trial in goal. Do very badly. Have sing song in Vb.
24/10: Have to stay in for half-hole with Mr Farr. Have 5-a-side football.
25/10: Do play. Have rotten fencing. Week going fast. Have stooch whip [butterscotch Angel Delight].
26/10: Have a really bad day. Have PE with Mr Farr. He gets in bate.
27/10. Mum's birthday. 1st XI go to watch Winchester. Have lecture on Royal Navy and Marines. Do extra PE.
28/10: Have last Sunday before half term. Have lemon curd. Quite boring day.

29/10: Have two english lessons. Ride. Other boys build the bonfire for Nov 5th. Have sweets, for Shnyde lost keys yesterday.
30/10: One more morning until half term. Gut! Have the same old day. Nearly half term.
31/10: Hallowe'en. Go home tomorrow, go home tomorrow, 'ray! Have super football, go to train room.
1/11-4/11 Half term

4/11: Go back to school. See Mr Broadbent. Am tired. Welbroke-Smith homesick.

5/11: See fireworks out the window at night. Wake up at seven thirty, do not do music practice.
6/11: Wake up at 7.30 again - cannot do music practice. Have 1st XI trial. Match tomorrow.
7/11: Match v Hawtreys. Am in goal. See Boden. Get 93% in Maths 2 paper. Mum comes and brings watch.
8/11: Have double science. Quite a good day for lessons. Have fencing. Get sweets from fencing master.
9/11: Have worst day for lessons in the week. Have good singing. Morris gets in a bate at night.
10/11: Have a really bad day. Have rotten games. Hack Shoebridge. Let in 4 goals, one being a penalty. Films.
11/11: Not many people went out. Have a new master arriving. Find firework. Get half term grades.

12/11: Have 2 englishes. Not a bad day. Have a very good riding lesson. Lose my hat.
13/11: Have a terrible art. I finished my picture, but Leve [?] kept telling me to finish. Have match trial.
14/11: Have a match v Pilgrims. We won 3-2. Dawes scores 2 goals, Wallace 1.
15/11: Have fencing. Get sweets. Humpty dumpty burp.
16/11: Two latins and singing. Have a really bad singing. Going out.
17/11: Go out. Bring back Flying Scotsman. Match cancelled.
18/11: Go up to train room. Colli went out.

19/11: Get booking. Go up to train room. Off games. Have nightmare.
20/11: Have music lesson. Am still off games because of my cough. Match tomorrow. Do my tunnel in art.
21/11: Match v Twyford. Lose 3-2. Mum comes. Have great rough and tumble. Play bad eggs.
22/11: I was off games and I missed fencing thank god. Go home in two days time. Have science.
23/11: Am off games. Cannot play bad eggs. Have to miss 'Trial by Jury' and do [illeg]. Mr Juneau walks out on us.

24-27/11. At home again for some reason!
27/11: Soon to be exams. Tomorrow Tuesday. Soon be end of term.
28/11: Have art. Paint my railway tunnel green. Finish it. H-G [Mr Heald-Gledhill?] gets Farmers' Weekly.
29/11: Match v West Hill. Lost. Snow. It snows. Tomorrow exams.
30/11: Have English 1,Maths. Get 82% in maths. Have latin, english.
1/12: Have French and maths 3. Have match. In goal. Lose 6-1. Have magician.
2/12: Chipperfield's birthday. Go to Mr Juneau's and do a dress rehearsal and have a super tea. Have fun making posters for play.

3/12: Have Lord of the Flies. Go over English paper. Have science. Go over paper.
4/12: Have good art. Play rugger. It is a draw. Terrible scrum. Get lots of sleep.
5/12: JABS. Hurt a lot. In a week we have got the feast.
6/12: Had rugger both today and yesterday. Last double science. Start crossing off.
7/12: Last singing. Last Friday. Have my music exam. Tomorrow play. Am main part, King Herod.
8/12: Have play: Business of Good Government. Go down ill. Mum, Dad, Liz and Helen and Steve Linden come.
9/12: Am ill in bed all day. Miss carol service. Mum and Dad come. Sleep in Mts Broadbent's bed all day, and Nicola's at night.

10/12: Had a really bad sleep in Nicola's bed. Move into sick dorm with David Lyons. Do a lot of legs. [?]
11/12: Come down. Start packing. Have a fuse blown. All dark till 9.00 pm.
12/12: Have feast. Have films and go to bed late. Am off games. Do not go for the long walk.
13/12: Break up.

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