18/9: Go back to school. Am in Rhino and on top table. Am very homesick first night.
19/9: We have a new timetable. Have fire practice and all that bung. Am not so homesick second night.
20/9: Do loads of skills in football. Am in goal. In a half-hour game it was a 1-1 draw. First full lesson day.
21/9: Have a very good film called 'Monte Carlo or Bust.' Have a good game of football. Win 4-1.
22/9: Do washing-up with Morris. Have great half-hol. Skate a lot. Listen to Top 20. 16 days to birthday.
23/9: Mum came at 11.15 for Harrods. She brought me a pen, my prayer book. Have a horrible Monday morning feeling. Have music lessons.
24/9: Two weeks until my birthday. Get a letter from Heather.
25/9: Have good half-holiday. Have sweets. Great fun. Have been back at school for one week.
26/9: Have first fencing. Two new fencers. Joined the Train Club yesterday.
27/9: Am enjoying it here now. Have a game of football.
28/9: Have a staff match. I am in goal. Lose 2-1. Have films and talk on Guide Dogs for the Blind.
29/9: Have a really good Sunday. Go down to Stockbridge church.
30/9: Monday morning have music lesson first lesson.
1/10: Only a week till my birthday. have scripture. Have got match tomorrow.
2/10: 1st XI and Colts v Northaw. Mum and Dad come. Draw 0-0. Am in goal.
3/10: Do fencing. Have double science. Last Thursday in which I am twelve.
4/10: Have singing. Not long till my birthday. Am going out.
5/10: Go out. Get my presents. Get cassette recorder and stuff for my 'n'gauge railway.
6/10: Use my Grundig cassette recorder a lot. Batteries are running down.
7/10: Have my music lesson. Tomorrow I have got my birthday.
8/10: My birthday. I will be 13. Do not get tossed in blanket. Get bumps. get 4 cards. Have cake.
9/10: First Wednesday that I am 13. Finish off my chocolate and coffee cake.
10/10: Have fencing. Have 4 sweets as it was my birthday on Tuesday. have Trombone lesson.
11/10: Not much happened. Life is getting really boring.
12/10: Match v Twyford. Win 1-0. Not like 17/10/73. Am in goal.
13/10: Get blown up by Mr Broadbent about the match yesterday.
14/10: Quite hot. Everyone felt very lazy.
15/10: One week since my birthday. Morris' birthday tomorrow. Nort very long till half term.
16/10: Morris' birthday. he goes out. No match. C E boys go to a printing press.
17/10: Have fencing and a super cake of Morris'. Do a really super double science. Burn all things. (Steel's mother is killed).
18/10: Steel is doing very well. Have a half-holiday in games as we will miss a half-holiday tomorrow.
19/10: Only have half-an-hour for games. At 3 0'clock, 'Bridge on the River Kwai' started and goes on until supper. Play bad eggs after supper.
20/10: Mr Broadbent was away, and Mr Campbell was on duty.
21/10: Have my music lesson. Only one more Monday before half term.
22/10: The light has gone kaputt un UVI. Have scripture. Have got home match.
23/10: Home match v West Hill. Win 1-0. Am in goal.
24/10: Have fencing. Have my trombone lesson. Last Thursday before half term.
25/10: Get a parcel of a model from Ian and a letter from Mum. Got a match tomorrow.
26/10: 1st XI vs West Downs. Win 4-1. Get goal-keeping colours. Real slack lessons.
27/10: Go out, Mum's birthday. Not long till half term.
28/10: Have lemon curd. Have my music lesson. In a week's time we will be at home.
29/10: Go home day after tomorrow. Have PT last lesson. Have a not bad art.
30/10: Unfortunately there was no match today. Have sweets. Have a very good games.
31/10: Half term. Yetsreday the CE boys went to my farm.
31/10 - 4/11: Half term.
4/11: Go back to school. Take back 11 packets of Polos and 7 packets of Cola Drops. Eat all the Cola Drops.
5/11: Eat 6 of the packets of Polos. have a match trial. CE boys are doing trials.
6/11: Match v Hawtreys. Mum comes. Win 2-0. I don't have a single shot. Wear yellow jersey in goal.
7/11: Fencing. Not long until CE. Have a really brilliant science lesson.
8/11: Have singing. The CE boys have an extra science to go over their science trial papers.
9/11: Match, home v Farleigh House. Lose 4-0. Am in goal. Am not allowed to wear yellow jersey. Have firework display.
10/11: Have quite a good Sunday. Tomorrow CE. Have sweets and half-holiday. Not all that long till end of term.
11/11: Real CE exams. Have my first piano lesson for a fortnight.
12/11: Real CE exams. Have art and scripture. Am off games with a bad toe. Send tape to Ian.
13/11: Have real CE exams. Match v Pilgrims is cancelled because of them having a bug.
14/11: Have fencing. Have a talk with Lawson, Harris, Symmonds. Get blown up. Have sweets.
15/11: Have first singing lesson with CE boys. Morris is away looking round Shrewsbury.
16/11: Film: 'Hornblower'. As the 6-a-side was cancelled, I phoned to see if I could go out, but they were going to a wedding. So have staff match. Draw 3-3. Morris returns with news of pass.
17/11: Walsh goes down with the sick bug. Go out. Come back feeling bad.
18/11: Go down with sick bug. Am in sick dorm all day with Walsh. Usual comments from Cornish. Walsh, Wallace, Cave, Rees pass.
19/11: Get news that Cornish has passed, but only just.Am on 'stay in' because of being ill.
20/11: Tomorrow we have got exams. Revise. Have no match today. 3 weeks to go until end of term.
21/11: Have exams. Have english 1, maths 1 and other exams. Have fencing. Exactly 3 weeks to go.
22/11: Have more exams: Latin, English II, Maths II and History. Have got no results yet.
23/11: Last few exams. Match versus Twyford, win 3-1. Mum and Dad are in Jersey. Have George Grimmond from Magic Circle.
24/11: Two weeks until the carol service. Last exeat. Only 15 boys left. Allowed to watch telly when we like. 8p sweets.
25/11: The exam results start coming in. Mine are not too good. Have music lesson. Get blown in maths.
26/11: Have art and very pathetic PE. 2 weeks 2 days until the end of term.
27/11: Have sweets. Have a good game of football. Draw 1-1. Have had the last match.
28/11: Have fencing lesson. Get sweets. Plan the anti-Cornish movement at night. Put Flash down his bed.
29/11: Cornish comes back in the evening. Operation RACM comes into action. Have Marsh Courtier work in English.
30/11: Have a sort of concert. Have 1st, 2nd and 3rd Form plays. Parents come. Play trombone and sing.
1/12: Last Sunday of term. Have a really good half-holiday. Say prayer in the communion service.
2/12: Have my music lesson. Did quite well. 10 days until the end of the Winter term 1974.
3/12: Have art. Do my modern nativity painting. Have bad PE again. Only one more Tuesday.
4/12: Ping-pong championship. Wood wins senior, Bell junior. Have rugby with Mr Kent. Win 3 tries to 1 try I think.
5/12: I got told that I might be next term's Head Boy. At time of writing I do not know, and I am still a senior. Off games. Crossing off.
6/12: Have last singing. I am still doubtful about being head Boy. Last Friday. Time is going very slowly.
7/12: Mr Broadbent had the dance. Win the raffle. The beagles come. Go 'on games' but get blown up. Head Boy is confirmed.
8/12: Carol service. Play trombone at end, play piano with Catherine Gilchrist. Mum and Dad come. Trunks out.
9/12: Off games. Eat some of the fruit. Go to dentist with Dad in morning.
10/12: Off games. Feast tomorrow. Pack. Watch rugger on TV at pre-prep.
11/12: Publicly announced that I am next term's Head Boy. Do badly in final results. Get to sleep about eleven.
12/12: Break up. Say goodbye to Cave, Cornish, Rees, Walsh, etc.
Great - just like I remember life at Marsh Court!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting it. What inspired you to copy your diary into a blog?
I left March Court the term before you started your diary, to go to Epsom College, and funnily enough I kept a very similar sounding 1 line diary while at Epsom for about the same time period as your diary.
Well Well Well!
ReplyDeleteI've got a five year diary covering the same period too. Must dig it out.
I was intrigued by the introduction, especially: I wonder if any ex-teaching staff preseved their jottings (i.e. that long-haired, affable aesthete, Nigel Pinn. I have strong memories of the bizarre events of Easter 1971 and possible jottings. As an illuminating record of Prep School 'angst' and period atmosphere , Flindt Mi's efforts deserve a wide readership